HomepageSlideshowHero10252016 is a pivotal time in the life of our Nation. As the People of God, we must “cry aloud and spare not” on critical issues such as economic development, education, housing and criminal justice reform. How do we do that? By voting for candidates and laws that align with our values and the needs of our communities.

Verify your voter registration status! Check to see if you are registered.


Learn more about state, local and national candidates and laws up for vote. Review our suggested ballot.

Visit Voter's Edge California by the League of Women Voters of California

Button 2 California


Spread the word! Here are social posts you can use to share on Facebook and Twitter! Encourage your friends, family and colleagues to register to vote as well. Click each post so that it will open in your social media app!


Learn about the people asking for your vote before election day. Visit allen-temple.org, learn about the ballot in your...

Posted by Allen Temple Baptist Church on Monday, September 19, 2016




Step #4 - VOTE

Show up and show out on November 8th! Make your voice heard by voting in the General Election on local, statewide and national concerns and candidates.

Visit the California Secretary of State Elections & Voter Information Page to verify your polling place!

Find Your Polling Place

Need transportation to your polling place on Election Day? Call (510) 544-8910 or visit the Family Life Center Information Booth and provide your name, address and phone number to secure a ride!

Helpful Links