Health Education Ministry

Health Ed Collage Jul 19 Resized 07.06.19

Contact:   Deacon Harold Goodman, Chairperson   
Meetings Day / Time: Tuesdays / 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM Meeting
Location: FLC Health Ed. Room 

The goal of the Health Education Ministry Committee is to increase the health, mental and spiritual well-being of the Allen Temple Church Family and East Oakland Community. This will be accomplished by emphasizing positive attitudes towards health, increasing knowledge of preventive health practices and providing biblically based tools that will assist in comprehensive self-care.

The Health Education Ministry accomplishes its mission by providing programs in collaboration with community-based organizations, health care and social services agencies throughout the Bay Area.

The objective of our Ministry is to educate and empower the community with positive health maintenance attitudes.

Click here for information on the 2019 Holistic Health Fair

View the 2019 Health Fair Press Release

Sign up to attend the 2019 Holistic Health Fair

Sign up as a volunteer for the 2019 Holistic Health Fair

The Allen Temple Health Education Ministry is honored to partner with Samuel Merritt University for seminars! Click here to download a brochure

Allen Temple/Kaiser Permanente Healthy Ministries/Healthy Resources Newsletter

Click here to view YouTube video from the 2014 Health Fair (Partnership with Samuel Merritt University) 

Healthy Horizons Health Ministry Partnership Radio Interview with Pastor J. Alfred Smith, Jr, Deacon Harold Goodman, and Edgar Quiroz MPH of Horizon Clinical Services


Deacon Harold Goodman speaks with Sterling James of KBLX 102.9 about our 40th Annual Holistic Health & Job Fair

August Health Education Emphasis: Mindfulness Matters - Can Living in the Moment Improve Your Health?

At some point in your life, someone probably told you: “Enjoy every moment. Life is short.” Maybe you’ve smiled and rolled your eyes at this well-intentioned relative or co-worker. But the fact is, there’s something to it. Trying to enjoy each moment may actually be good for your health.

The idea is called mindfulness. This ancient practice is about being completely aware of what’s happening in the present—of all that’s going on inside and all that’s happening around you. It means not living your life on “autopilot.” Instead, you experience life as it unfolds moment to moment, good and bad, and without judgment or preconceived notions.

“Many of us go through our lives without really being present in the moment,” says Dr. Margaret Chesney of the University of California, San Francisco. She’s studying how mindfulness affects health. “What is valuable about mindfulness is that it is accessible and can be helpful to so many people.”

Studies suggest that mindfulness practices may help people manage stress, cope better with serious illness and reduce anxiety and depression. Many people who practice mindfulness report an increased ability to relax, a greater enthusiasm for life and improved self-esteem.

One NIH(National Institute of Health)-supported study found a link between mindfulness meditation and measurable changes in the brain regions involved in memory, learning and emotion. Another NIH-funded researcher reported that mindfulness practices may reduce anxiety and hostility among urban youth and lead to reduced stress, fewer fights and better relationships.

A major benefit of mindfulness is that it encourages you to pay attention to your thoughts, your actions and your body. For example, studies have shown that mindfulness can help people achieve and maintain a healthy weight. “It is so common for people to watch TV and eat snack food out of the box without really attending to how much they are eating,” says Chesney. “With mindful eating, you eat when you’re hungry, focus on each bite, enjoy your food more and stop when you’re full.”

Finding time for mindfulness in our culture, however, can be a challenge. We tend to place great value on how much we can do at once and how fast. Still, being more mindful is within anyone’s reach.

You can practice mindfulness throughout the day, even while answering e-mails, sitting in traffic or waiting in line. All you have to do is become more aware—of your breath, of your feet on the ground, of your fingers typing, of the people and voices around you.

Chesney notes that as people start to learn how to be more mindful, it’s common and normal to realize how much your mind races and focuses on the past and future. You can just notice those thoughts and then return to the present moment. It is these little, regular steps that add up and start to create a more mindful, healthy life.

Read more: August Health Education Emphasis: Mindfulness Matters - Can Living in the Moment Improve Your...