Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts



Psalms 18:2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my GOD is my rock, in whom I take refuge. [Living Bible translation]


Psalm 18 is a song of praise, a song of thanks and a song of affirmation about the who GOD IS. The writer is David—the boy shepherd, who became a great military leader, and who became the second King of Israel, after the death of King Saul.

In Palms 18:2 David praised GOD for being his STRONG shelter. David could sing GOD’s praises with great conviction because GOD sheltered David many times against his enemies, including the jealous and paranoid King Saul. When David wrote Psalms 18 perhaps David recalled how he had to seek shelter in the caves of Adullam with his brothers and other relatives to escape Saul, but it was GOD who protected him. (1 Samuel 22:1)

Perhaps David recalled going to Moab and asking for permission and royal protection from the King of Moab to shelter his parents, while David lived in a cave. (1Samuel 22:3) But even though David was sheltering himself and his parents in earthly places, David understood his true shelter was GOD. David may have been physically living in the caves and living among the rocks, but David understood that GOD was his solid “ROCK.” David knew that without GOD he would perish. So, while he sheltered, David prayed and consulted GOD.

When David wanted to know whether he could go into battle, he asked GOD. When David asked GOD whether he should go into battle against the whole Philistine army (even though David’s own men advised him against doing so), GOD said yes, go. Afraid, uncertain David asked GOD again, and again GOD said yes and reassured David that HE would protect David and help him conquer the Philistines. And, GOD did. (1Samuel 23:5)

Perhaps David recalled the history of his ancestors, recalling how Joshua defeated Jericho, a city that everyone thought was invincible, until the walls fell. Perhaps he recalled how great nations would rise up against the Israelites but would fail because David and the Israelites were SHELTERED by GOD. David understood that GOD, not buildings, was his “FORTRESS.” GOD, not earthly shelters, was David’s “DELIVERER.”

In Psalms 27:5, David declares with confidence:

For HE (GOD) will hide me in HIS SHELTER in the day of trouble…

Psalms 46:1 states:

GOD is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

This means that all of us can shelter IN GOD because only GOD is a STRONG SHELTER.

Read more: 03/25/2020 GOD: OUR STRONG SHELTER