Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


03/31/2020 WAITING

Acts 16:25 Around midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to the LORD—and the other prisoners were listening---suddenly there was a great earthquake: the prison was shaken to its foundations, all the doors flew open—and the chains of every prisoner fell off! [Living Bible translation]

The Book of Acts was recorded by a biblical medical professional, a physician named Luke. Luke was writing to a Gentile named Theophilus (whose name in Greek means “friend of GOD” or “loving GOD”), chronicling some of the history of the early church. Acts describe a dangerous time in the life of the church. But it was also an exhilarating time for the early church. JESUS had been arrested and crucified. But JESUS had also been resurrected and had visited HIS disciples a number of times. (See Luke 24:34-35; John 20:26-29; Luke 24:50-53). The church was being persecuted. Christians were being tracked down and arrested. But one of its chief persecutors, Saul (whose name was changed to Paul) had a personal encounter with JESUS and later became a staunch defender of the faith. Christians were afraid. But they were also empowered because on the day of Pentecost, THE HOLY SPIRIT was poured out upon all humanity (as prophesied by the prophet Joel, in the Old Testament). See, Act 2 and Joel 2:28-32.

Prior to many of the great “highs” for the believers, there was very often a period of waiting.

For example, after JESUS’ last visit with HIS disciples, JESUS instructed them to wait in the city of Jerusalem for THE HOLY SPIRIT to come and empower them. Luke 24:49 states: “And behold, I send the promise of MY FATHER upon you: but tarry (i.e., wait for) ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.” So, the disciples waited. While they waited, the disciples prayed and were busy doing church work (Acts 1:12-26).

When Saul/Paul met JESUS on the Damascus road, there was a brilliant light and Paul fell to the ground. After JESUS told Paul WHO HE WAS, Paul was instructed to go into the city and wait. Acts 9:6 states: “Now get up and go into the city and await my further instruction.” (Living Bible). So, Paul waited. While he waited, Paul fasted and prayed. (See Acts 9:11)

In Acts 16, before Paul’s and Silas’ miraculous exit from jail, there was also a period of waiting. The Bible says that prior to their incarceration, Paul and Silas were physically beaten and thrown into prison. Not wanting to risk their escaping, the jailer put Paul and Silas into an inner dungeon, where the jailer chained Paul’s and Silas’ feet. And there they waited. While they waited, Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns to the LORD, and literally turned their situation into a “worship service.” Other prisoners, who Paul and Silas may not have even been able to see, “were listening.” Paul and Silas were vigilant, prayerful and stayed woke. What Paul and Silas did, not only affected them but everyone around them! Because of what Paul and Silas did as they waited, the other prisoners were probably all saved and became believers, because even though the physical chains had fallen off all of them and all the doors flew open none of the prisoners left, having found new freedom in listening and hearing about GOD. Even the jailer and his whole household became believers!

Read more: 03/31/2020 WAITING