Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts



Genesis 3:8 That evening they [Adam and Eve] heard the sound of THE LORD GOD walking in the garden; and they hid themselves among the trees. [Living Bible translation]

Genesis 5:22 And Enoch walked with GOD: and he was not; for GOD took him. [King James translation]


There are numerous verses in the Bible about walks and walking. It seems that even from the very beginning of humanity, GOD wanted to walk with us! There is strong evidence in Genesis that before “the fall,” Adam and Eve “walked” with GOD. They walked in a garden. In fact they must have walked together so many times, that Adam and Eve recognized “HIS WALK.” It appears that the walks were regular and consistent---that is before “the fall.” After “the fall” things changed. Instead of Adam and Eve going on their usual evening walk with GOD, after “the fall” Adam and Eve were a “no show.” GOD was there; but Adam and Eve were not.

Genesis 3:8 notes “that evening,” they [Adam and Eve] “heard the sound of THE LORD GOD “walking in the garden” but the instead they were no longer able to able to walk with GOD---because “of their fears” (verse 10), because their focus was on themselves (e.g. they were naked—verse 11); because they were too busy blaming others for their disobedience to GOD to repent to GOD and accept personal responsibility for what they had done (verse 12 and 13). They were simply out of sync with GOD. Their sin had ruined “the walk.”

Throughout Biblical history, GOD has invited others to “walk.” GOD invited ninety-nine year old Abram to “walk before ME and be blameless.” When Abram accepted GOD’s “invitation,” his name was immediately changed from Abram to Abraham. GOD was starting the transformation.

Read more: 08/05/2015 TRANSFORMATIVE WALKS