Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


08/20/2015 MINDFULNESS

Psalms 8:4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him. [King James translation]


Psalm 8 is the 8th psalm or song (e.g., hymn) in the book of Psalms. Many translations have a Psalm 8 heading. The heading in the King James translations states: “To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm of David.” [Many believe that the Gittith was a musical string instrument.]

Most scholars believe Psalms 8 was one of the songs of King David. King David was the second King of Israel. King David was chosen by GOD and anointed by the prophet Samuel. (1Sam 16:12) David was a musician. (1 Sam 16:23). David was a warrior. (1 Samuel 17:50) David was a good friend. (2 Samuel 9:1) David was many other things---a refugee during the reign of Saul (1 Samuel 27: 1); an adulterer (2 Samuel 11:4), a schemer (2Samuel 11:15); a father who suffered the tragic loss of two children (2 Samuel 18 and 2 Samuel 17: 33) and later a repentant sinner (2 Samuel 12:13).

Throughout all his ups and downs, David knew that GOD was “mindful” of him. GOD was ALWAYS there, protecting him or sending him messages through the prophets. Even when David strayed, GOD was still there. GOD was faithful, even when David was not. When David looked back over his life—as a boy shepherd, a military leader, a father, a king and as he aged, David knew GOD was ALWAYS there.

Today scientist estimate that there are at least 8.7 million species—that is at least 8.7 million forms of life on the planet earth. There are all the various species in the animal kingdom, about a third of 8.7 million forms of life are various insect life forms. When you add the heavens—the sky, the seas, the wind, the rain, space, microorganisms and the many other things that make up the universe---when you consider all of the various things that exist, like David, one might ask in amazement, what is human kind that GOD is mindful of us---that HE is mindful of me and you!

Read more: 08/20/2015 MINDFULNESS