Meditations on Healthy Living

I Corinthians 12: 14, 18-19 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many….But in fact, GOD has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as HE wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body. [New International translation]

Scripture Discussed

1 Corinthians Chapter 12: discusses an often-used analogy in the New Testament. The church is described as “the body” and CHRIST as “the head.” Believers are “the members” of the body. Like the human body, each part has a different function and like the “the body of Christ” (i.e., the church), different individuals have different and various gifts that help the church function.

One of the things that 1Corinthians Chapter 12:14, 18-19 addresses is the fact that not everyone will have the same gift or function in the same way in the body of Christ. Some of those gifts may be “front and center” (such as a talented lead singer, a pastor, or in Paul’s day those who have what was viewed as the spectacular gift of tongues ---i.e., the gift of being able to speak on unlearned, living language) while other gifts and members of the body may work “behind the scenes or have gifts that seem “less glamorous.” However, Paul makes it clear that no member of the body should think of his or her gift as “inferior” or desire another member’s gift.

Paul makes it clear that “all the parts of the body” are arranged by GOD. We are not haphazardly gifted. GOD has carefully arranged all the gifts and each part of GOD’s plan and each member of GOD’s plan is important.

We are arranged according to GOD’s will.

There should be no division in the body.

Loving GOD and loving one another should be the unifying force that keeps the body functioning as a unit.

Exercising The PartsThe Hips

A number of writers have suggested that the hips may be one of the most overlooked body parts when people exercise. Rachel Schultz, in “The #1 Most Overlooked Muscle in Your Workout,” states “Your Hips are King.”

“Every movement you make requires pulling power from your hips,” …. Sometimes, this is obvious—when you walk, every stride comes from your hips; when you lift something off the ground, you’ve probably heard you’re supposed to lift with your legs and not your back, and that’s so your hips will be involved for more power.

When you throw a ball or swing a golf club, rotating your hips generates more force into your arm, allowing the ball to fly further…. Even pulling open a really heavy door is a heck of a lot easier if you anchor your feet and pull power from your hips.

See, “The #1 Most Overlooked Muscle in Your Workout,” by Rachel Schultz,

Here are some hip exercises:

  1. The Frankenstein Walk


  1. Stand with your arms extended in front of you, palms facing down.
  2. As you move forward, swing your right leg up to extend it straight out, creating a 90-degree angle with your body.
  3. Lower your right leg to the floor, then swing your left leg up in the same way.
  4. Continue for 1 minute, changing direction if your space is limited.

You may also consider doing this exercise in place holding onto a sturdy chair or with your back against a wall.

  2. Hip circles


  1. Stand on your right leg with your left leg lifted.
  2. Move your left leg in circles.
  3. Do 20 circles in each direction.
  4. Then do the right leg.

To make this exercise more difficult, increase the size of the circles and do 2-3 sets.

  3. Clamshell exercise


  1. Lie on your side with bent knees and a resistance band around your lower thighs.
  2. Rotate your top leg up as high as you can, then pause for a moment.
  3. Lower to the starting position.
  4. Do 1–3 sets of 8–15 repetitions.

 4. Hip marching


  1. Sit toward the front edge of a chair.
  2. Raise your left leg as high as you can, keeping your knee bent.
  3. Slowly and with control, lower your foot.
  4. Then do the right side.
  5. This is 1 repetition.
  6. Do 2–3 sets of 5–12 repetitions.

5. Donkey kicks


  1. From tabletop position, lift your right knee, keeping it bent as you kick upward.
  2. Bring the bottom of your foot toward the ceiling.
  3. Return to the starting position.
  4. Do 2–3 sets of 12–20 repetitions on each side

See, “14 Exercises for Strengthening and Increasing Mobility in the Hips,” 

If you have any health issues, hip problems, balance problems, or medical issues, consult your physician before beginning a new exercise program or ask your personal physician about hip exercises. You may also consider working out with a trainer. Remember, every exercise may not be right for you. So, if you have a medical condition or concerns, again consult your personal physician first.

Many Parts

It is sometimes easy to forget the “lesser” body part, even in the body of CHRIST. Or, to think of our own contributions as lesser than another’s or another’s greater. But, all the parts in the human body, but especially the body of CHRIST, are important.

Every part is important.

Love GOD, love each other, and continue to strengthen the body.

Be prayerful and BE BLESSED.