Meditations on Healthy Living

Numbers 11:23 The LORD answered Moses, “Is the LORD’s arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you.”
[New International translation]


Learning to trust GOD after the great exodus from Egypt wasn’t easy for the Israelites. Despite seeing GOD perform great miracles---- the escape from Pharaoh’s army, the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14); the guidance by the pillar of cloud during the day and the pillar of fire at night (Exodus 13); the numerous plagues that occurred in Egypt when Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go (Exodus 7-12)--- the Israelites still found it hard to totally put their trust in GOD. The Israelites complained about their food (Numbers 11); they were often defiant (See Exodus 32 when the people tried to make their own GOD); they were difficult, argumentative, and often “tried to box with GOD.”

Even, Moses, who spoke directly with GOD, sometimes “couldn’t see” how GOD was going to work things out when GOD promised to give the complainers the meat they craved, for a whole month, until it came out of their nostrils and became loathsome (Numbers 11:20). Moses could not “see” how GOD was going to fulfill this meat every day for a month's promise. Moses could “see” that there were over 600,000 men alone present, not even counting the women and children (Numbers 11:21). Moses counted all the animals in the flocks and herds and the math simply did not add up.

But just because Moses couldn’t “figure it out” didn’t mean GOD could not do it. GOD asked Moses, “Do you think my arm is short” or in other words “Do you think me weak and not up to the challenge?” Without explaining how GOD just told Moses “You shall see.”

So, just on the WORD of GOD, Moses reported GOD’s promise to the people. And, GOD did exactly what GOD said HE would do.


While the LORD does not have weak arms (i.e. short arms), often people who fail to exercise do. Some might even ask, why do you need strong arms? Here are a few reasons why such arm exercises are important:

  • Research has shown that strength training and other arm exercises that involve bicep curls and weight lifting can improve benefit heart health;
  • Working out your arms can help improve your speed and endurance;
  • Lifting something may help to improve your range of motion, allow you to perform daily tasks, and help improve your quality of life.
  • • We need to combat the “pitfalls of our culture,” which often has us hunched over a computer, bending over a phone screen, sitting slumped over a chair or couch watching a TV, or behind the steering wheel of a car, or behind a desk. Many of our activities of “daily living” result in our continuously decreasing our range of motions.


Here are just a few upper body and arm exercises that can be performed while sitting:


  1. Find a straight back chair and sit with your back straight and abs engaged.
  2. Hold your arms straight out in front of you making fists without locking your elbows.
  3. Bend the elbows straight back, pulling your shoulder blades (in the back together) as your elbows bend back toward your torso.
  4. As your elbows come back, push your chest forward. Continue this chest pushing forward, elbows pushing backward 10 times.


  1.  Find a straight back chair and sit with your back straight and abs engaged.
  2.  You can use a weight appropriate for your strength or household objects, such as a plastic water bottle (e.g. 8 fl. oz or 16.9 fl. oz) or any other object you can safely and easily hold in your hands and lift.
  3. Hold your weight or household object with your palms facing forward and your arms extended along your sides.
  4. With your elbows close to your side, curl your biceps, lifting the object to about shoulder height. The object will be facing you.
  5. Now turn your hand outward so your palms and wrist point toward the ceiling and the object facing away from you as you slowly press the object upward above your head toward the ceiling.
  6. Slowly bring object the back to the shoulder position and then reverse your wrist so the object is facing toward you again.
  7. Then uncurl your biceps downward until your hands are back along your side in your start position.
  8. Repeat a number of reps together depending on the size of your weights and your strength. Add a rep. each day until you achieve a set goal. Take breaks when needed. Stay hydrated.


  1. Find a straight back chair and sit with your back straight and abs engaged.
  2. Get in a fighting position with your hands up and your fists clenched guarding your face.
  3. Extend your right hand toward the left in a punch and bring it back quickly;
  4. Extend the left toward the right in a punch and bring it back quickly;
  5. Repeat 10 times.
  6. Reset the hands and now extend the right hand upward punching toward the ceiling and bring it back quickly.
  7. Alternate the hands punching toward the ceiling 10 times.
  8. Now punch toward the floor alternating the hands 10 times.
  9. If you increase your speed, remember to maintain your form and keep your abs engaged.

See, and for additional upper body exercises and visuals.

Always be mindful, if you have a medical condition or you are taking medication, please speak to your personal physician about arm exercises appropriate for you.


Life can be frustrating. And, sometimes it is difficult to see a way through. When, like Moses, we just can’t see how GOD is going to fix things or keep HIS promises, it pays to remember, “our arm’s too short” and “our sight much too limited.”

Sometimes we have to remember our spiritual exercises, prayer, and trust, and just “wait” and “see” what GOD will do.

So, continue to exercise your whole body---including your faith.

Trust in GOD and BE BLESSED!