Meditations on Healthy Living

Genesis 28:12-13 And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven, and behold, the angels of GOD were ascending and descending on it! And behold, the LORD stood above it. [Revised Standard translation]

Genesis 28:15 [And GOD said] Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go…. [Revised Standard translation]


Jacob was the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, and Rebekah. He was a twin---but not an identical twin---to Esau. Although Esau was born first, Jacob, by his very nature, and one might say, even in his mother’s womb, wanted what he didn’t have. So, Jacob resorted to lying, stealing and cheating to get what he wanted. [Read Genesis Ch. 27 where Jacob lies to his father and eventually tricks him into giving him the blessing of the first-born.] In other words, Jacob, like all of us had some flaws.

Because Jacob was born “grabbing the heel” of this older twin brother, he was given the name “Jacob,” which means “grabber”, “trickster”, “deceiver” or “supplanter.” Although Jacob had flaws, he still had potential because, Jacob more than Esau realized the importance of “a blessings.” [Read Genesis 25 where Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for a meal in a moment of weakness.] Although, Jacob knew a blessing was important, Jacob didn’t realize the responsibility that “a blessing carried” or understood that a blessing made him an instrument of GOD.

Perhaps Jacob thought that getting the first-born’s blessing would make him rich. Maybe he thought grabbing the first-born’s blessing would make him powerful or allow him to finally be in charge. But, what Jacob found was that the blessing came with “a charge,” the same charge GOD gave Abraham. And like Abraham, Jacob was forced to move. Jacob was sent away.

Not being “the hunter” his brother Esau was, and having been “a mommy’s boy,” it must have been a frightening situation for Jacob to find himself far away from home, alone and afraid.
It was then that Jacob had a dream at a place called Bethel. In his dream, Jacob saw angels of GOD going up and down a staircase from earth to heaven. They were going up and down all day and all night long.

As a result of this vision, Jacob would come to tap into his spiritual nature because this vision would emphasize the power of prayer. This vision would provide reassurance to Jacob, that his prayers would not just stay earth bound but that they were being delivered to an ALMIGHTY GOD and that in return GOD was sending spiritual messages back to Jacob, in the form of protection, comfort, companionship. Jacob was having a spiritual vision of prayer in action. He was also receiving a message from GOD that GOD hears and responds to prayer. Jacob’s was on the road to becoming a new person, because his prayers allowed him to connect with GOD and GOD to connect with him.


In “Want To Keep An Aging Brain Sharp? Take the Stairs,” health reporter Robert Preidt, describes a Canadian study that concluded that fitness and reading and studying can help the brain stay young. Looking at MRI scans to assess the physical health of 331 adults between the ages of 19 and 79, the study found that those with higher education (or studied) had “younger” brains. The researchers concluded that the physical age of the studiers were about one year lower for each year of education. And for each flight of stairs climbed per day, the physical brain was slightly more than half a year younger.

This study just looked at association between exercise and a healthier brain, and not cause and effect relationship. This study was published in the journal of Neurobiology of Aging. According to Preidt, aging Americans who want to maintain a healthy brain might switch from elevators to stairs. Or, one might add, start taking some classes, becoming avid Bible study students or going to Bible study. See,

Some of the benefits of stair climbing including the following:

  1. You will burn more calories stair climbing than walking or jogging;
  2. You are building strength;
  3. You are getting a cardio and a strength building exercise because you are working against gravity;
  4. Stair climbing may lead to strong joints;
  5. Stair climbing works the quadriceps, glutes, calves, hamstrings, hip flexors and core.

Stair climbing can be as simple as going up and down your home stairs, finding a neighborhood stadium, taking the stairs at work, finding a building with lots of stairs, or working out on a stair or climbing machines at a gym.

If you have questions, concerns or any medical issues, speak to your personal physician about whether stair climbing is the right exercise for you.

If you seeking educational classes, the following may assist you:

  1. “ 45 free online classes you can take (and finish) by the end of the year.”
  2. “10 Fun (and free!) Classes You Can Start and Finish this Week,”
  3. Call your local community college about auditing or taking free classes. See,
  4. Go to your place of worship and ask your leaders about free bible classes or material to study.


Jacob, like all of us, had some flaws, but he also had potential. He had to learn that to BE BLESSED is to serve and to be willing to move, under the guidance and direction of GOD. Jacob had to leave “his comfort zone.” It wasn’t easy. But in the end, Jacob learned that prayer is not a static process but a dynamic, spiritual process. And, in the end, the old Jacob was transformed into a new person. This new man, reconciled with his brother, developed a relationship with GOD and was given a new name, Israel. (See Genesis 32)

GOD is still transforming people. HE is still showing people THE STAIRS. (See John 1: 51).

Today pray for transformation. See THE STAIRS.

Climb higher and BE BLESSED.