Meditations on Healthy Living

NUMBERS 13:23 When they reached the Valley of Eshcol, they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them....
[New International translation]

Summary: The Israelites were slaves in Egypt for over 400 years. GOD called Moses to lead them out of Israel across the Red Sea. When GOD defeated the Egyptian army and Pharaoh, GOD performed numerous miracles (e.g. the various plagues in Egypt, parting the Red Sea, sending an angel of death to passing over Egypt striking down the first born in homes not protected by the blood, manna from heaven, water from the rock, etc). The Israelites witnessed it all.

GOD told the Israelites that HE was taking them to a “land flowing with milk and honey.” When the people arrived at Canaan, the promise land, GOD instructed Moses to pick 12 men----a leader from each of the twelve tribes to spy out the land. (Numbers 13:1) Each tribe sent a leader. Hoshea the son of Nun (from the tribe of Ephraim) and Caleb (from the tribe of Judah) were chosen for this mission. Moses saw leadership in Hoshea (whose name means “salvation”) and changed his name to “Joshua,” (which means “Jehovah is salvation.” The Greek translations of the Aramaic form of the word “Joshua” is “Yeshua,” the original Hebrew name of “JESUS.”

Forty days later the 12 men returned and reported back to Moses. They all agreed that it was a magnificent land, as evidenced by the huge cluster of grapes and the other fruit they brought back. The land was so fertile it took two men to carry a single cluster of grapes.

Then ten of the leaders went on to list all of the things they were afraid of and all the things they believed would defeat them. They focused on the people there and compared themselves to them. They looked at the fortified large cities where these people lived and in their “mind’s eye” already saw themselves defeated. They completely forgot about GOD and what HE had already done.

Caleb tried to calm the people and reassure them and even suggested that they leave at once and enter the land and occupy it, like GOD told them to, but the people would not budge. The people complained about Moses, Aaron and some even suggested, choosing new leadership, and returning to slavery in Egypt. Some in the group even suggested that GOD was trying to kill them and blamed GOD for what they believed to be a disaster. They people rebelled. They simply would not do what GOD wanted them to do and refused to enter the land that GOD had already given them.

Their slave mentality blinded them to the fact that they were already conquerors.

Because of the people’s lack of faith, their stubbornness, their ungratefulness and disobedience, all the complainers were denied entry into “the promised land.” They wandered in the desert for 40 years and died. They missed out on the grapes.


Grapes have been around for a long, long time. They have a rich history. There is evidence that grapes were cultivated as early as 5000 B.C. Winemaking scenes have been found in the hieroglyphics and art of Egyptian tombs. Noah even planted a vineyard. (Genesis 9:20)

Some of the health benefits of grapes include:

  1. Protection against heart disease and
  2. Protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation- (LDL is often called “bad cholesterol”- cholesterol is a fat like substance found in the body’s cells. The body needs cholesterol to work right. Too much cholesterol, especially the bad type, can result in build up and plaque in the artery walls, which can lead to blockage, reduced blood flow and heart disease).
  3. Grapes are a good food for weight loss. Twenty grapes equal about 68 calories.

It is interesting that most of the health benefits in grapes are most concentrated in the skins, stems and seeds of grapes rather than their juicy middle sections.

Red Grapes and Green Grapes

Red grapes or purple grape products may reduce the risk of heart disease by relaxing the blood vessels and allowing for easier blood flow. This is probably due to antioxidants found in the skin and seeds of the grapes. One particular antioxidant, resveratrol, is especially important. This is especially high in dark purple Concord grapes. Resveratrol is one of the reasons why people in grape producing countries tend to have higher longevity. Red grapes are also high in nutrients like vitamin C and B, proteins, copper, anthocyanins, manganese and potassium.

Green grapes also have a high nutritional value. They are rich in carbohydrates, vitamin C and vitamin K. Flavonoid antioxidants known as Catechins are present in the white or green species. Some amount of iron and potassium are also found in green grapes. See,

Trust GOD

Sometimes we are “our own worst enemy.” Sometimes our own defeatist attitude causes us to give up too soon. Or, we focus on other people, our “circumstances” or listening to others instead of obeying GOD. Sometimes we even let our fears “work us up into a frenzy” and we become too afraid to act or trust GOD.

Apostle Paul provides several suggestions for dealing with imagined internal and external fears and anxiety. In Philippians 4:6 Paul states, “Don’t worry about anything”: but instead, pray about everything; tell GOD your needs and don’t forget to thank HIM for HIS answer (even before HE does it).”

Paul also provides some powerful affirmations to think about instead of allowing our minds to be held captive by fear, anxiety and worry. Some of Paul’s affirmations include:

  1. I can do all things through CHRIST which strengthens me.1
  2. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of GOD in CHRIST JESUS.2
  3. Nothing can ever separate us from HIS love.3
  4. We are more than conquerors.4
  5. Rejoice in the LORD always; and again I say, Rejoice.5

Today celebrate what GOD has already done! Then, celebrate what GOD is going to do!

Trust GOD! Pray for wisdom and unwavering faith. (James 1:5-6)

Don’t miss the grapes, and BE BLESSED!


1Philippians 4:13
2Philippians 3:14
3Romans 8:39
4Romans 8:37
5Philippians 4:4