Meditations on Healthy Living

Psalms 139:7-10 Where can I go from YOUR SPIRIT? Where can I flee from YOUR presence? If I go up to the heavens, YOU are there; if I make my bed in the depths, YOU are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there YOUR hand will guide me, YOUR hand will hold me fast. [New International translation]

Matthew 28:20 [A]nd, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

Jeremiah 23: 23-24 Am I a GOD who is only in one place and cannot see what they are doing? Can anyone hide from me? Am I not everywhere in all heaven and earth?

Definition: Omnipresence: The prefix “omni” comes from the Latin word “all.” So to say GOD is omnipresent is to say GOD is everywhere.


Sometimes we forget about the Omnipresence of GOD---that GOD is everywhere. GOD’s Omnipresence can be a source of comfort and concern. In Matthew 28:20, JESUS comforts the disciple. After giving them their “marching orders” their “mission,” or what is often called “The great commission,” HE then reassures them that they need not be afraid because HE would be with them He would be their EMANUEL (which means “GOD is with us”) wherever they went---“even to the end of the world.” HE would be with them ALWAYS.

David, who spent a period of his life fleeing from Saul, knew what it was like to try to hide. David also knew what it is like to try to hide from GOD. When David tried to hide his sin of sleeping with another man’s wife (Bathsheba) and even caused the death of Bathsheba’s husband, David’s “cover up” never worked with GOD. GOD saw it all. When David was hiding from Saul and GOD protected David, GOD’s presence was a comfort. When David was convicted of sin by the Prophet Nathan, David knew that nothing was hidden from GOD. There was no place David could hide his sin from GOD. The only way that David could “get right” with GOD was to confess his sin and repent.

As Jeremiah reminds us there is no hiding place. GOD is everywhere.

Exercise Everywhere

Sometimes we make things more complicated that they need to be. Some of the reasons that people often give for not exercising is that “they don’t have time” or “can’t afford to take time to go to the gym,” or “cannot afford a gym membership.” However, these are simply excuses because you can exercise almost anywhere.

       Exercises That Can Be Done Almost Anywhere:

1. Find a wall. Stand against the wall with your legs straight and your feet shoulder width apart. Lay your arms flat against the wall so they and your
    arms and your head make the shape of a “W.” Hold and take 10 deep breathes, breathing from your abdomen. If you want to repeat the exercise,
    lower your body slightly against the wall so your lower back is touching the back of the wall and repeat the deep breathe exercises. If you want to
    repeat the exercise, raise your hand above your head and then back into your “W.” This exercise is good for posture and core.

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2. If you have balance problems or you do not want to stand. Place a block against the wall that will support your weight. [You can also place flat back
    chair against a wall, sitting on the chair sideways, so the back is to your right.] Seated in the chair, with your head against the wall, raise your
    arms, so your head and arms form a “W.” ‘See image below. Repeat the exercises in number 1 above.

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3. Find an area where two walls meet in a corner. Place your arms against both walls so your head and arms form a “W.” Perform the breathing
    exercises described in #1, taking deep breaths moving your abdomen. Repeat the exercise and switch your feet. If you had the right foot forward,
    repeat the exercise putting your left foot forward. Repeat.

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4. While brushing your teeth, place one hand on your bathroom sink or counter for balance, then slowly raise both heals in the air and then lower
    your heals to the ground. If you have balance problems, perform this exercise after brushing holding onto your bathroom sink or counter for
    balance using both hands or perform this exercise in a chair. Repeat.

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If you have a medical condition or you are concerned about the safety of any of these exercises, please be sure to consult your physician before doing any of the above exercises to determine if these are appropriate for you, or to discuss an exercise program suitable for your needs. Remember, if in doubt, ask your physician. It never hurts to ask.

Exercise and Prayer- Anywhere and Everywhere

Today, let us renew our commitment to GOD to treat our bodies (and our minds) as temples of GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT - (1 Corinthians 6:19). Let’s remember that HE has promised to be with us and that HE is everywhere. HE is our EMANUEL.

Pray for one another everywhere, exercise and BE BLESSED!