Meditations on Healthy Living

JEREMIAH 29:4-5 This is what the LORD ALMIGHTY, the GOD of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: “Build house and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” [New International translation]


Some refer to the Bible as our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (B.I.B.L.E). Nowhere is this clearer than in Jeremiah’s 29th chapter, “A Letter to the Exiles.”

Jeremiah was the son of a priest. He prophesized about the destruction of Jerusalem and the hardships the Jewish people would suffer because of their flagrant unfaithfulness to GOD. The Jewish people had entered into covenant relationship with GOD but had broken their word to GOD again and again and again. They had built altars and worshipped other gods. They had even gone so far as to sacrifice their own children to idols. The people’s actions were so defiant that GOD withdrew HIMSELF, HIS protection and HIS blessings.

Jeremiah chapter 29 contains the text of a letter that Jeremiah sent to the exiles who had been deported from Jerusalem to Babylon. The letter contained a message from GOD. The message was a recipe for survival. GOD tells the people that their stay in Babylon will not be short. Most of them would be in exile for a lifetime—seventy years (Verse 10).

GOD tells the people what to do to survive the years ahead. HE tells them to “settle down,” “build houses” “plant gardens” and “eat what the gardens produce,” marry, multiply there, increase and not decrease. HE tells them to pray and seek the welfare of the city in which they live because its welfare is now tied to their (Verse 7). GOD tells them that HE still has a plan for them (verse 11), but the people would have to seek and wait on the LORD. HE cautions them not to listen to false prophets, peddling invented “dreams” and making all sorts of claims about greatness, because they are just lies. Instead, they must work hard and have faith in GOD. If the people seek the LORD in earnest, HE will find them.

Plant Gardens

March 20th was the first day of Spring. It is now April and the soil is starting to warm. It is a perfect time to think about planting a garden. Gardening has a number of benefits, including the following:

  1. Gardening provides healthier, more nutritious, fresh food;
  2. Gardening can teach children about food and nutrition;
  3. Gardening promotes physical and mental health; and
  4. Gardening can be a way of giving back—to friends and family, to neighbors who may be housebound, to those who are living on the streets and those in need.

Container Gardening
Container gardening is a simple way to keep gardening simple. Spending a few minutes each day tending to a few container plants offers a way to “settle down” after a fast paced day at the of-fice, at school or multitasking during the day. It offers a way to “reconnect” to the soil, to be mindful of GOD’s often, unappreciated gifts of sunshine, air, rain and plant life.

Plants that grow well in containers include:

  1. Tomatoes – which come in numerous varieties including: Heirloom, Cherry Tomatoes, Better Girl, Roma, Supersweet 100, Yellow Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Brandywine, Antique Roman, Rutgers, Sun Gold and others.
  2. Potatoes- also come in a number of varieties. Often you can just buy a few potatoes from a store, wait for some of the eyes to appear, and then plant the eyes in soil. For additional instructions, see:
  3. Cucumbers- Growing cucumbers in pots may require the right kind of cucumber seed of plant depending on your pots, since they tend to require verticle space (like toma-toes) and may require space. The following instructions may be helpful:
  4. Green Been/ Runner Beans- According to one writer, green beans are good container plants because they benefit from the warmth and protection of the container. For ad-ditional instructions see the following:
  5. Peppers- One writer described peppers as “a breeze to grow.” Another writer noted that peppers in pots can often serve as decorations on a patio or balcony. Another writer stated that growing peppers is just fun. For more information see:
  6. Strawberries- They actually make special pots for growing strawberries. They are call them strawberry pots. There are a number of “You Tube” videos for planting strawberries in a strawberry pot.
  7. Blueberries-Growing your own blueberries is a great way to save, especially given the high price of a small container of organic blueberries at your local market. One writer noted that blueberries are ideal for growing in pots, given their shallow root system. Blueberries also require special soil with a low, acid pH. You may want to go to your local garden store and ask about the varieties of blueberry bushes sold, because some varieties are self-pollinating and some are not. Get help and instructions when you make your purchase. Some local nurseries even have classes in container gardening.

You can make container gardening is a family “sport.” Everyone can participate. Competitions regarding whose tomatoes or strawberries are the largest can easily been arranged. Gardening is a great way to strengthen the family and your family’s diet.

THE BIBLE ---Still Good For Surviving Tough Times

The Bible is still our survival guide. It still provides answers for daily living. GOD’s instructions to the exiles living in Babylonian captivity are still as relevant now as they were then.

Some hardships simply do not end quickly. For example, trillions of dollars in deficits (in our cities and nation) will simply not disappear overnight. There is no magic pill for getting physically fit. Some things may take time and continued prayer.

During tough times, consult the ultimate manual, THE BIBLE. To survive, take care of home (your personal home, your church home, etc.), plant gardens, (be mindful of what you eat, exercise, and train the children), eat well (fresh produce), pray (continuously) and don’t stress. Be concerned about what is happening in your city, your nation and your world. Don’t be deceived by false prophets. Don’t forget to vote. Be concerned about those living on the streets and the homeless. Remember, JESUS was not concerned about greatness (Luke 22:24-27); HIS concern was for “the least” of the brothers and sisters” (See, Matthew 25:40).

So, work hard, pray, eat from your garden, increase, serve, help someone in need and wait on the LORD.

Remember, those who earnestly seek HIM, HE will find!

Be a survivor. Plant, Pray and BE BLESSED!