Meditations on Healthy Living

1 Cor. 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from GOD? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor GOD with your body.
[New International translation]

One of the most extraordinary events in human history is the indwelling of GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT within our bodies. Paul tells us in 1 Cor. 6:19 that our bodies are human “churches” or “temples.” Each of us is a temple. These “temples” are of extraordinary value to GOD because JESUS sacrificed HIMSELF so that we might have life----life here on earth and everlasting spiritual life hereafter. We are physical and spiritual temples.

Like any temple, a certain amount of regular and ongoing maintenance is necessary! So it is with our bodies and spirit.

Physical Maintenance Guidelines

Physical maintenance of our bodies is essential for good health. If we were to compare our bodies to a physical church, we could point out that maintenance of a physical church is important. This would include cleaning the pews, mopping floors, setting the right temperature, making sure there are functioning toilets, removing trash or garbage, examining carpets for tripping hazards, dusting and sanitizing tables and chairs.

Just like a car requires a certain amount of maintenance (e.g. oil changes, tire rotation, checking the brakes and tires, winterizing the car by putting in antifreeze or checking the water and oil levels), our bodies requires maintenance too.

The U.S. Nutritional Guidelines, released this Thursday by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services contains advice about what we should and should not eat. The guidelines, published every 5 years, aim to reflect the latest scientific evidence and research on how we can maintain our health by what we eat.

New Guidelines Re Added Sugar
The Guidelines specifically recommends that Americans limit their daily caloric intake of “added sugars” to less than 10%. The guidelines are based on American eating a 2,000 calorie diet per day, so 10% sugar is about 50 grams of sugar.

“Added sugars” are sweeteners generally added during food preparation or processing or consumed separately. They do not include sugars that occur naturally, as for example, in fruit. Nutritionist and scientist blame “added sugar” as causing a number of health problems including obesity, diabetes and heart disease. “Added Sugar” foods and drinks include the sugar found in: soft drinks, sweetened coffee and tea, pre-sweetened fruit drinks (but not 100% natural fruit drinks); sports energy drinks, snacks and sweets (such as cakes, pastries, donuts, brownies, cookies, sweet rolls and muffins). “Added Sugar” can be found in salad dressings, sauces, condiments, gravies and cereals.

One writer noted that a bottle of salad dressing can contain more sugar than four donuts. Look for terms or names such as: “fructose,” “sucrose,” “sugar,” “corn syrup” or “honey” on the label. Start reading the sugar content of any beverage or food item you buy. Remember a can of soda alone can often contain 30-40 grams of sugar. The daily sweetened hot coco, latte, tea along with the morning pastry quickly adds up to a number easily exceeding 10%.

If you are using sugar at home, consider the amount of sugar you are purchasing. If your church or place of worship serves “Sunday” snacks, remember you don’t have to stand in line too. You don’t have to bring a sugar laced snack either. Bring a fruit dish or start carrying your own small baggie of snacks. Cut back on the sweeteners until your taste buds adjust. Don’t give in to your “sweet tooth.” Strive for high maintenance!

Spiritual Maintenance

Spiritual maintenance is also important. Wednesdays, Sundays, any day and every day is an appropriate time for spiritual maintenance. Prayer, spiritual reflection, Bible study, Sunday School, fellowship, worship, communion, spiritual self-examination, practicing “right thinking” and “right attitude” are all important facets of spiritual maintenance, renewal and repair. Submission, obedience, repentance, perseverance and a willingness to be spiritually corrected, directed and maintained by THE HOLY SPIRIT are essential to spiritual maintenance. Just ask THE HOLY SPIRIT to help and guide you.

Start the year off right with good maintenance.

Honor GOD with your body and BE BLESSED!