Proverbs 16:2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit. [Revised Standard translation]
Many scholars classify Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs as "wisdom literature." The book of proverbs is considered especially instructive. A "proverb" is considered to be a short "piece of advice" or a "general truth." However, the book of Proverbs also conveys the idea that the writer, Solomon, is offering insight and wisdom concerning matters that have stood the test of time. Since Solomon's wisdom came from GOD (1Kings 3:9-12), it would make sense that these "nuggets of wisdom," from the "ROCK OF AGES" could withstand "the test of time."
In Proverbs 16, Solomon, says that GOD "weighs the spirit." Solomon contends that if we were to measure ourselves, everyone would just step off the scales smiling, believing ourselves "ok." [Because, isn't the problem generally/always someone/everyone else's fault!] But, according to Solomon, it is GOD, not us, who weighs.
We will not be weighed on human scales but on GOD's "honest" scale using GOD's "weight stones" from GOD's "cloth bag": "Honest scales and balances are from the Lord: all the weights in the bag are of HIS making." See. Proverbs 16:11(New International translation). Proverbs gives us some idea of the "stones" or weights that God uses to "weigh" our spirit and our motives. God will weigh us to determine:
- Whether we are prideful (Prov. 16:5, 19);
- Whether we are loyal to God, faithful, merciful, truthful, and love God (Prov. 16:6);
- Whether we are understanding (Prov. 16:22);
- Whether we speak kind/pleasant words (Prov. 16:24);
- Whether we obey and trust God (Prov. 16:20);
- Whether we are allowing God to direct our steps (Prov. 16:9).
The kind of scale that Solomon envisioned was probably the two pan scale variety, where an item (such as spice was placed in one plan and a "true weight," (often a weight made of copper or bronze, sometimes called "a stone") was placed in the other plan to let a customer know how much the spice weighed and how much money would be required for the purchase.
In the same manner imagine yourself (your spirit, your heart, your soul or the essence of yourself) being placed in one pan and GOD's principles (love, obedience, truth, peacefulness, kindness, understanding) being place in the opposite pan. If Romans 3:23 is correct, if any one of us were "weighed," none of us---no, not even one of us—would "measure up" to GOD's standards: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of GOD. See, Romans 3:23.
And, just as in Biblical times, when people tried to "cheat" and use a "false weight or a "pretend stone" in the opposite pan to try to gain an advantage, our attempts to "pretend we are good," to "feign goodness" or deny our "sin nature" is equally punishable and contemptible. We all struggle. We all must pray for a CHRIST-like SPIRIT every day!
Weight Training
One of the ways that many people attempt to reduce their physical weight and enhance their physical fitness is by weight training. Weight training is a type of strength training. Weights are used as a resistance and challenge to muscles. According to strength training is important for everyone, especially as we age. It is a matter of "use it" or "lose it:"
Muscle mass naturally diminishes with age. "If you don't do anything to replace the lean muscle you lose, you'll increase the percentage of fat in your body," says Edward Laskowski, M.D., a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, and co-director of the Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center. "But strength training can help you preserve and enhance your muscle mass — at any age."
Here is a strength exercise program website for seniors: A number of strength exercise videos are listed. [See, "Watch These Lower Body Exercise Videos," "Watch These Trunk and Back Exercise Videos" or "Watch These Upper Body Exercise Videos."] Please select at 5 or 6 exercises [total or from each body group] and perform them at least once a day for the rest of the week. Ask your spouse, your children, a senior, a co-worker or your friend to join you.
If you have a medical condition, do not feel fit, do not feel well enough to perform these exercises, have balance problems or you do not exercise regularly, do not attempt any of the exercises on the videos. Instead, consult your personal physician about a proper exercise program tailored for you. Always consult your personal physician if you have medical issues or are uncertain about starting an exercise program.
Let's all perform some strength exercises this week! Remember, everyone needs to get stronger. Let's all support one another by doing "our part."
Pray for Total Health
It is easy to become concerned about physical weight and completely lose sight of the importance of our "spiritual" weight and fitness. However, if we are to heed the words of Solomon in Proverbs 16, every time we step on a scale, we should also remember that GOD has a scale too. Every time we weigh ourselves we should remember that GOD weighs us too. We can increase our physical health and fitness by mindful eating, exercise, weight and strength training, and prayer. We can also strive to increase our spiritual health by consistently studying GOD's WORD, being mindful that we are GOD's ambassadors in this world and through prayer!
Let's all pray for the wisdom to get stronger every day!
Be strong, be prayerful and BE Blessed!