Health Education Ministry

Health Ed Collage Jul 19 Resized 07.06.19

Contact:   Deacon Harold Goodman, Chairperson   
Meetings Day / Time: Tuesdays / 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM Meeting
Location: FLC Health Ed. Room 

The goal of the Health Education Ministry Committee is to increase the health, mental and spiritual well-being of the Allen Temple Church Family and East Oakland Community. This will be accomplished by emphasizing positive attitudes towards health, increasing knowledge of preventive health practices and providing biblically based tools that will assist in comprehensive self-care.

The Health Education Ministry accomplishes its mission by providing programs in collaboration with community-based organizations, health care and social services agencies throughout the Bay Area.

The objective of our Ministry is to educate and empower the community with positive health maintenance attitudes.

Click here for information on the 2019 Holistic Health Fair

View the 2019 Health Fair Press Release

Sign up to attend the 2019 Holistic Health Fair

Sign up as a volunteer for the 2019 Holistic Health Fair

The Allen Temple Health Education Ministry is honored to partner with Samuel Merritt University for seminars! Click here to download a brochure

Allen Temple/Kaiser Permanente Healthy Ministries/Healthy Resources Newsletter

Click here to view YouTube video from the 2014 Health Fair (Partnership with Samuel Merritt University) 

Healthy Horizons Health Ministry Partnership Radio Interview with Pastor J. Alfred Smith, Jr, Deacon Harold Goodman, and Edgar Quiroz MPH of Horizon Clinical Services


Deacon Harold Goodman speaks with Sterling James of KBLX 102.9 about our 40th Annual Holistic Health & Job Fair

December 2022 - Follow These 3 Steps to Fight the Flu

The flu (influenza) is a contagious disease that can be severe. Almost every year, the flu causes disease in millions of persons, hundreds of thousands get hospitalized, and tens of thousands die because of the flu. The CDC urges you to take the following measures to protect yourself and others from the flu.

You and your family should get vaccinated!

The first and most important step to protect yourself against flu viruses is getting a flu vaccine each year. All persons 6 months of age or older should get a flu vaccine, if possible before the end of October, or as soon as possible if after October.

Flu vaccines are offered in many places, such as physician offices, clinics, health departments, drugstores, and university health centers, as well as from many employers and even at some schools.

Protect yourself. Protect your family. Get vaccinated. #FightTheFlu

Learn More: https:/


Avoid any close contact with sick people; avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth; cover your nose and mouth with a paper towel when coughing or sneezing, wash your hands frequently (with soap and water), and clean and sanitize the surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with the flu viruses.

If you get sick, limit your contact with other people as much as possible. Please remember to cover your nose and mouth with a paper towel when coughing or sneezing and throw the paper towel into the garbage bin after using it. Stay at home until at least for 24 hours after the fever is gone, except to receive medical care o for other needs. (Before resuming your regular activities, your fever must have disappeared for about 24 hours without using a drug to decrease it).

Learn more:

Take antiviral drugs if prescribed by your doctor!

If you catch the flu, antiviral drugs can be used to treat it.

Antiviral drugs can alleviate the symptoms and shorten the duration of the disease. They can also prevent severe flu complications, such as pneumonia.

The CDCs recommend the use of antiviral drugs during the early stages of treatment for persons who are very sick from the flu (such as: people who are hospitalized) and those who got it and are at high risk of severe complications, due to their age or to having a high-risk condition.
