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10/10/2018 WALKING

Genesis 6:9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with GOD. [King James translation]


Noah was one of two men mentioned in the Bible who “walked with GOD.” Given how corrupt the earth and humanity had become, Noah stood out. Noah’s qualities helped to explain how he was able to “walk with GOD.” Noah is described as “a just man,” and “perfect” or blameless. It does not suggest that Noah was without sin, but compared to all the wickedness and wickedness in people’s hearts around him, Noah stood out in his efforts to abstain from doing evil

The name “Noah” mean “comfort” in Hebrew. As his name suggests, given how corrupt and wicked mankind had become, Noah must have been a comfort to GOD when GOD looked over the human landscape. Noah was on an entirely different spiritual level from his contemporaries. Noah was so special that GOD decided wipe out humanity and start all over with Noah and his family and the animals.

Enoch is another person in the Bible who “walked with GOD.” Like Noah, Enoch also stood out.
The name Enoch means “dedicated.” Enoch was so dedicated in walking exactly the way GOD wanted him to walk, and he was so focused in his “communion” with GOD, that Enoch passed the boundaries of earthly time into eternity. The Bible says: “Enoch walked with GOD; then he was no more, because GOD took him away.” [New International Translation.]

One might image that each daily “walk with GOD took Enoch spiritually just a little higher every day, until Enoch “transitioned” into an entirely different spiritual realm.

Abram [whose name was later changed to Abraham] was told “to walk before the LORD.”
According to Genesis 17:1: “[W]hen Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram and said unto him, ‘I am the ALMIGHTY GOD: walk before me, and be thou perfect.’ [King James Translation]

David declared in Psalms 116:9: “I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.” [King James translation] One writer suggested that the image of “walking before the LORD” is one of walking while trying to keep one’s eye directly focused on GOD, so that the distractions of the world or anything else going on around you won’t matter.

Our Physical Walk

The Physical Activities Guidelines for Americans by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderately-intense aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intense physical activity, or the equivalent combination every week. The guidelines also recommend that children and adolescents be active for at least 60 minutes every day. According to the CDC following those guidelines will contribute to the overall health of Americans and decrease their risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. See,

According to the CDC walking is “a great way” to get the physical activity needed to maintain good health. Walking does not require a gym membership. Walking generally does not require any special skill. And, it doesn’t require a special place. It can be incorporated into one’s daily routine.

The website: “Every Body Walk,” the movement to get everybody walking,, has a number of videos and articles about the benefits of walking including:

- Bob Sallis, MD Walking and Diabetes;
- Did You Know We are Eating Less, But Walking Less;
- Benefits of Walking;
- American Dream: Walk to School;
- Workplace Walking- A Case Study: Kaiser Permanente

According to WebMD, walking may be one of the simplest ways to workout. According to WebMD, when you walk your heart gets stronger, you tend to lower your blood pressure, your bones get stronger and your legs may get stronger. Walking tends to give you a better outlook on life and reduces stress. Many also sleep better. See “Walking,” by Kara Mayer Robinson, You can also include a short stretch before or after a walk.

Even if you cannot exercise or walk 5 days a week, remember, some exercise is better than none!
So, just get started! And, take it one week at a time! Here are some tips:

  1. If you drive to work, park your car far away from the entrance to your work place so you have to walk;
  2. Include a walk break as part of your lunch hour;
  3. Find a walking buddy at home or at work;
  4. Walk while you wait (e.g., if you have to take a child to music classes, sports practice or some other activity that requires you to wait, walk while you are waiting);
  5. Walk around the block at work or find a building with stairs and walk some stairs;
  6. Walk to the nearest mailbox or the next closest mailbox to mail your letters.

If you are in a wheelchair or have limited mobility, there are a number of organizations that have wheelchair accessible trails and maps. For example, in California, see: Also speak to your doctor about exercises, equipment or devices that simulate walking or the best exercises for you.

Whatever your physical condition or abilities, if you have questions, always consult your personal physician about what is the right or safe exercise for you.

Read more: 10/10/2018 WALKING