Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


01/30/2019 EAT FRESH

Exodus 16:15-16 When the people of Israel saw it they asked each other, “What is it?” And Moses told them, It is the food Jehovah has given you to eat. Jehovah has said for everyone to gather as much as is needed for his household---about three quarts for each person in his home.” [Living Bible translation]

Exodus 16:19-20: And Moses told them, “don’t leave it overnight.” But of course some of them wouldn’t listen, and left it until morning: and when they looked, it was full of maggots and had a terrible odor; and Moses was very angry with them. [Living Bible translation]

1 Corinthians 10:31: So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of GOD.”
[New International translation]

If you were to make a list of your day’s activities, the list would be extensive. Eating and drinking would probably appear many times. 1 Corinthians 10:31 instructs us that whether you prepare your “List of Things To Do Today” before or prepare your “List of Things I Did Today” after, each and every item on the list should be done “for the glory of GOD.” The 16th chapter of Exodus is a clear example of how the food was used reflected the people of Israel’s relationship to GOD.

During their time in the desert, the people of Israel had to learn how to develop a relationship of faith and hence obedience to GOD. They had to learn WHO GOD WAS---that HE was ALL POWERFUL, ALL KNOWING, ALL LOVING, and HE could provide for their every need. Their obedience to HIM demonstrated to the other nations and was living proof of their love for GOD. Hence, their simple act of obedience glorified GOD. However, while GOD continued to provide for the people of Israel, the people had a hard time obeying and glorifying GOD.

In Exodus 16, the people complained about not having enough to eat. Although GOD had performed numerous miracles and brought them out of Egyptian oppression, the people still lacked faith. They moaned, groaned, complained, and they were often bitter. They were never satisfied. Instead of thanking GOD, and giving glory to GOD for what HE had already done for them, what they already had was never enough. There was always something else they wanted.

But once again, GOD answered their prayer. GOD provided food. In fact, HE provided DIVINE food---fresh food descended from heaven. When the food appeared the people asked each other “What is it.” Moses called the heavenly food “manna.” [Manna in Hebrew means “What is it.”] Moses instructed the people to gather only what they needed, enough for each person. They were to gather just enough and no more. Nothing was to be left over. They were specifically told: “Don’t leave it overnight.” In other words, they were not to try to store it, hoard it, or be greedy. This was an exercise in faith and trust, in believing that GOD would supply their needs daily.

But, some of the people wouldn’t listen. Some failed the test and disobeyed. Instead of doing what would glorify GOD, with their obedience, they tried to make the food “their hidden treasure,” trying to store it like gold. What they failed to realize was that the “true gold” was not the food but learning to have faith in GOD.


In “The Benefits of Eating Fresh,” by Bethaney Wallace, lists a number of reasons fresh foods are better and why packaged goods should be avoided. Some of the reasons for avoiding packaged or canned foods include the following:

  • Foods that have been canned, bagged, frozen, etc. have been enriched with chemicals known as preservatives in order to prolong their shelf life.
  • These types of foods often contain other additives such as hormones, dyes, artificial flavors and sugars, etc.
  • Consuming these additives makes it harder for a digestive system to do its job. Chemicals that are unknown to the body prolong the digestive process and keep actual nutrients from being digested. (That is also why people get hungrier faster after eating a healthy meal.)
  • Bottom line, if it’s full of chemicals, it’s not good for you.

See, Wallace notes that “A consistent diet that includes fresh foods will provide a person with more energy, both physically and emotionally, and a healthier lifestyle overall.” Id.

In “Processed Foods: 5 Reasons to Avoid Them,” Chandra Johnson-Greene notes that there are a number of reasons to avoid processed foods, where ingredients have been added to enhance flavor, texture or stability:

#1. Processed foods may raise your cancer risk. Foods that are ultra-processed and contain artificial colors and flavors, additives, and emulsifiers have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

#2. They’re loaded with added sugar, sodium, and fat. Often processed food have too much added sugar, sodium or fat, which can lead to a serious health issue, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer.

#3. Processed foods are designed to make you overeat and become addicted them. Studies show that the reward system” in our brain can sometimes allow us to consume more or certain kinds of foods than our body actually needs. Certain ingredients, such as sugar, salt and fat, make certain foods “highly rewarding” to us, thus causing us to overeat and buy more.

#4. They contain lots of artificial ingredients. If you read the label on the box or can, you will generally find that your favorite cookies or packaged “junk food” probably contains a lot of artificial preservatives, colorants, flavoring, which can negatively affect your health.

#5. Processed foods are high in carbs and low in nutrients and fiber. Many processed foods are high in refined carbs, which can cause your blood sugar to spike too quickly.

See, “Processed Foods: 5 Reasons to Avoid Them,” by Chandra Johnson-Greene, June 4, 2018,

All of the above reasons are why we should eat fresh every day.


Whatever your relationship to food and whatever you do, glorify GOD. If you think about food as “treasure,” food as a “reward,” or food as “comfort,” pray that you remember that each of our bodies is a temple of the HOLY SPIRIT, meant to glorify GOD. Pray we eat and live to give GOD the GLORY.

Let us pray to be better stewards. Pray, we thank GOD daily for giving us access to physical and spiritual fresh food. Pray, we read HIS WORD and avoid junk.

Pray we be faithful and obedient and BE BLESSED!