Meditations on Healthy Living

Raw-Food-Pyramid 301


On Wednesdays: Eat Raw Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts


07/03/2019 FIND STRENGTH

Judges 16:28 Then Samson prayed to the LORD and said, “O LORD JEHOVAH, remember me again—please strengthen me one more time….” [Living Bible translation]

Isaiah 40:29 HE gives strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak. [New International translation]

Psalms 138:3 When I pray, YOU answer me, and encourage me by giving me the strength I need. [Living Bible translation]

Philippian 4:13 I can do all things in HIM who strengthens me. [Revised Standard translation]

Biblical Comment

Sometimes it takes a lot of strength and energy to make it through the day. It would be nice if every day in life was “walk in the park,” but that simply is not the case. Some days are challenging “mountain climbing” days. Everyone has them. Some days it just takes a lot more strength and energy to make it.

Lack of strength and energy can occur from stress, depression, uncertainty, aging, muscle weakness, feeling overwhelmed, illness, diseases and many of life’s challenges.

Samson was born with supernatural GOD-given abilities. But, along life’s way, he lost his strength. He was captured by his enemies, blinded, bound with chains and forced to labor in prison. His enemies laughed at him and ridiculed him. His enemies thought it was over. They thought they had won. But, Samson still had the “strength” to pray. Samson could not see a change in his situation. Nothing he heard led him to believe that it would change. He was still bound up, but instead of relying on his own strength, he relied on GOD. In Judges 16:19, Samson, in what seemed like a hopeless situation, prayed that GOD gives him strength “one more time.” GOD answered Samson’s prayer.

There are a number of Bible verses about the strong relationship between prayer and finding strength.


So often people think that strength training can only occur by lifting heavy weightings or “powerlifting.” In their mind’s “eye” they envision huge, muscular men and women, like those they see on TV competing in the Olympics, bench pressing large barbells and wearing huge leather support belts as they deadlift bars loaded with huge weights over their heads. Because it “doesn’t look easy” or they think that kind of exercise is not for them, many simply cross “strength training” off their list.

But, powerlifting is not the only way to strength train.

Body Weight Strength Training

People often forget that their own body is a good tool for building strength. No fancy equipment, no additional cost, just your own body. Body exercises allow you to build strength (e.g. your arms, shoulders, legs, core, etc.) by the resistance created by the weight of your own body.

Negative Push-Ups

Negative push-ups build strength just like regular push-ups. Unlike a regular push-up, a negative push-up starts at the top. With your palms down, and your legs and feet straight back or your knees bent, you want to slowly lower down, with your elbows close to your sides. Instead of pushing yourself back-up (regular push-up style), start at the top again, repeating another entire negative. Remember, go down slowly, keeping your form and balance. Start with a few in the beginning until you build up your strength. For an extra challenge stop and count to 5 when you are about one inch from the floor. This type of push can also be performed with the elbows pointing outward; however, keeping the elbows close to your sides as you lower your body will be more challenging. Negative push-ups can also be performed against a wall. You may want to avoid this exercise (or speak with your personal physician) if you have wrist or hand problems or other concerns.

Resistance Bands

Another way to strength train is to use resistance bands. Resistance bands are made of very strong thick rubber. They come in different sizes and strengths. Sometimes they come with handles. People get a strength workout by stretching them. Generally, the harder they are to stretch the greater the workout.

One of the advantages of resistance bands is they are lightweight; they can generally be used anywhere (at home, at work during breaks, and can be easily packed for travel). At home, they can be used during commercial TV breaks or even while you watch TV or listen to music.

Read more: 07/03/2019 FIND STRENGTH