June 9, 2019
June 9, 2019
Today is Scholarship Sunday, where Allen Temple Baptist Church celebrates the educational accomplishments of our members. Psalm 75 teaches that promotion comes from God. So we thank God for God’s faithfulness in enabling them to reach this educational milestone. We also announce our 2019 Scholarship Award recipients.
We extend a gracious welcome to Dr. Jamillah Moore, President of Canada College. We believe she will share an inspiring word of faith and encouragement with our graduates.
Special Thanks to Deacons Vangeria Harvey and the Scholarship Committee for their dedication and commitment. We also thank the Business and Professional Women for their consistent fundraising efforts that help make this day possible.
In closing, may we all remember the words of the great educational advocate Marian Wright Edelman: “Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving the community and the world better than you found it’.
Blessings to You!
Dr. Jacqueline A. Thompson
Senior Pastor Elect